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Hallo,Ich bin Woodie

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  • Hallo,Ich bin Woodie

    Hi, I am one of the administrators on the UK site and I am the Office Manager for a trucking company. I also drive for the company and run the office mostly from my cab. This year I turned 40 and I have been driving articulated trucks since I was 21. My father has his own timber business and I started driving forklifts at the age of 12 and used to off-load the timber lorries that came into our yard. I am very interested in computers and photography, which comes in very useful on the website :D

    I hope to understand the German langauge and I see using this site as a way of learning. My apologies for not being able to communicate in German, and I hope that many of you will be able to read and understand this post.

    Perhaps, someone can translate this to German for the benefit of everybody on the site, that they may learn more about me.


  • #2
    Re: Hallo,Ich bin Woodie

    Zitat von woodie
    Hi, I am one of the administrators on the UK site and I am the Office Manager for a trucking company. I also drive for the company and run the office mostly from my cab. This year I turned 40 and I have been driving articulated trucks since I was 21. My father has his own timber business and I started driving forklifts at the age of 12 and used to off-load the timber lorries that came into our yard. I am very interested in computers and photography, which comes in very useful on the website :D

    I hope to understand the German langauge and I see using this site as a way of learning. My apologies for not being able to communicate in German, and I hope that many of you will be able to read and understand this post.

    Perhaps, someone can translate this to German for the benefit of everybody on the site, that they may learn more about me.

    Hallo, ich bin einer der Administratoren der Truckstop-UK und ich arbeite leitend für einen britischen Transportunternehmer. Meistens fahre ich auch und mach die Büroarbeit vom LKW aus. Ich bin schon 40 und fahre LKW seit meinem 21. Lebensjahr. Mein Vater hatte sein eigenes Holzfuhrunternehmen und ich hab schon mit 12 Jahren gelernt, wie man mit dem Gabelstapler solche Lastzüge entlädt.
    Meine Hauptinteressen sind Computer und Fotographie, was hoffentlich unserer network zugute kommt.
    Ich hoffe, dass ich euer "deutsch" verstehen kann und ich möcht gern die Chance hier im Forum nutzen, mein deutsch zu verbessern und zu lernen. Es tut mir leid, wenn ich nicht auf Anhieb "mitreden" kann - aber es wird wohl werden.

    Well Woodie... hope, you like this translation :)
    Carola :)


    • #3
      Vielen Dank für Übersetzen für mich.

      Thank you for translating for me.


      • #4
        Nix zu danken - you're welcome
        Carola :)


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